
Three Years of Taliban Rule and Gender Apartheid in Afghanistan

Nazir Ahmad Mir, Muneeb Yousuf

On 15 August this year, the Taliban completed three years of their rule after taking over Afghanistan in August 2021. To celebrate the day, they organised parades at various places across the country on 14 August and displayed their military power by showcasing mainly the weapons and armed vehicles that were left behind by the fleeing America led forces.

Indian Ocean
Strategic Maritime Power: Its Critical Role in Comprehensive National Security

Simran Rathore

India's position as a coastal nation with extensive territorial waters and numerous islands presents a whole array of distinct maritime security challenges. Unlike land borders, maritime boundaries are expansive and complex, necessitating nuanced security strategies that align with India's national security priorities and emphasize its strategic maritime significance.

Bangladesh in Flux: The Fall of Sheikh Hasina, the Interim Government, and the Path Ahead

Madhurima Pramanik

In a matter of four days, Bangladesh’s political landscape experienced a dramatic transformation. On 5th August, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina resigned and fled the country, and on 8th August, an interim government led by Nobel laureate Dr. Muhammad Yunus was sworn in. The stark contrast between the fates of Hasina and Yunus reflects the profound shift.

Gender State
Understanding the State of Gender (Dis) Parity in Pakistan

Sneha M

Gender inequality is a reality in many developing countries, more so than it is usually acknowledged by various observers and scholars. This is despite the fact that ‘gender parity’ is the cornerstone of true progress and development of any nation. ‘Gender Parity’ aims to achieve equal representation of genders across all levels in a given area.

Issue Briefs

Fall of Hasina and Political Transition in Bangladesh: What has Happened and Why?

Ankita Sanyal

This Issue Brief seeks to analyse the events leading to the ouster of Hasina from power, identify the issues that brought about her fall, and the stakes for India in the evolving situation on Bangladesh.

Pakistan Flag
Pakistan’s UPR National Report: Hides more Than it Reveals

Zaheena Naqvi

Months after its Universal Periodic Review (UPR) report on the human rights condition in the country was approved by the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) during its 53rd Session on 30 October 2023, Pakistan continues to violate most of the agreed recommendations to alleviate the concerns of all the stakeholders and improve the rights situation in the country.

Chahbar Port
The Chabahar Port and India-Iran Agreement

Ashish Shukla

On 13 May 2024, India and Iran signed a 10-year long-term contract for operation of Shahid Behesti terminal at the Chabahar port in Iran, eight years after concluding the general framework of cooperation on the Chabahar port. A memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed in May 2015 for the development of this port by India and on 23 May 2016, the contract was executed during the visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Iran.


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Current Issue: Volume-31, Issues 1 & 2, January-June 2024

Previous Issues